Sermon: The True Vine And The Branches

Sermon:The True Vine & The Branches

Sermon: True Vine And The Branches

Text: John 15:1-10

Date: 6th of September, 2020

Topic: The True Vine And The Branches

Minister: Bro Boluwaji Ojajuni


Who is Christian?

 Who is the true vine?

How can we be identifying as a true Christian?

Things a Christian (believer) must genuinely embrace and must keep doing.

What did we mean by the word vine? Vine is a plant whose steam (branches) requires support and which creeps along the ground.


The True Vine

Our true vine is Christ. John 15:1, without the vine the branches cannot survive i.e. we the believers (Christians)


Branches: They are sub-division of a steam. I.e. something those extend from or enter into a main body or source

Christ is true vine. (Roman 12:5). We believers are the branches. Branches can not survive outside the vine which is the source.


How Can We Be Identify As A True Christian (Believer)

  1. We must have faith in God through Christ.
  2. We must bear the fruit of the Spirit. Gal 5:22
    The Fruit of the Spirit include;
    love Peace, Long suffering    Gentleness,goodness,Temperance, Meekness
  3. Giving
  4. Winning soul for Christ or preaching the gospel (Rom 1:13)

Things We Must Genuinely Embrace & Keep Doing

  1. Having faith in Christ John 3:16, rom 10:9
  2. We must be prayerful. 1 Thes 5:17
  3. Studying the word of God (Secret place)
  4. We must be Spirit filled. 2 Corth 3:18, Romans 8:5-10, 14
  5. We must be transformed. Rom 12:2
  6. Love Rom: 13:8

Christ is the way the true and life, are you born again ?, If so congratulation and if you are yet you can come to Jesus Christ right now by Click here and receive your salvation via the word of God.

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