Keyboard and Its Sections: Class: JS1

Keyboard and Its Sections: Class: JS1

Mastery Of Keyboard


DATE: 13TH – 17TH June, 2022


LESSON TITLE: Mastery of keyboard

PERIOD: Double

DURATION: 80 minutes

ICT: Mastery Of Keyboard Class: JS1

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: In the course of the lesson students will:

Define keyboard

List the types of keyboard

Mention the various sections of the keyboard

Keyboard and Its Sections: Class: JS1

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL: Computer system, pictures, charts

KEY VOCABULARY WORDS:  posture, numeric, alphabetic

RESOURCES & MATERIALS: Computer studies for JSS 3 by HIIT Plc.


The students are already familiar with computer system

Keyboard and Its Sections: Class: JS1




A keyboard is an essential input device used to enter text, numbers, and various commands into a computer or other electronic devices. It consists of a set of keys, each representing a specific character, symbol, or function. Keyboards can vary in layout and design, but they generally share common functions and components. Here are the main components and functions of a keyboard:



1. Standard Keyboard:

This is regarded as the old or obsolete type of keyboard that is not in use again in all technologically advanced environments. It consists of about 89 keys that comprise 10 Function keys and only One Shift key on the left side of the keyboard.


2. Enhanced Keyboard:

This is the latest keyboard type that is presently in use. It comes with 101 to 107 keys that comprise 12 Function keys and has two Shift keys each on both sides of the keyboard.


The Keyboard is divided into five (5) main sections:

Alphanumeric keys: These comprise the keys of the alphabet and numbers. They are A-Z, 0-9, and other special characters. They are used for entering alphabetic characters (A-Z), numeric figures (0-9), and special characters (such as +, @ӣ$ %^&*()_) into the computer.

Note: The following keys are used in conjunction with the alphanumeric keys: Shift, Caps Lock, Enter, Spacebar, Tab, and Backspace key.

The Function keys: They are the additional special keys on a keyboard for special use in Operating systems and Application programs by various Computer scientists such as a Programmer. Ranges from F1 to F12 perform different functions.

Numeric keys: The numeric keys arrangement is like a Calculator (Simple Adding machine) buttons’ arrangement. It is at the right-hand side of the keyboard but not on most Notebook, Mini-Computer, or iPad categories of PC keyboards.

Control keys: Control keys are arranged in different positions on the keyboard. They are Print Screen, Scroll Lock, Pause, Insert, Home, Delete, End, Page, Down, Page Up, Control(Ctrl), Alternate(Alt), Escape(Esc), and Num Lock.

Cursor keys: Cursor keys enable the users to move the cursor around the screen surface during operation. They are represented by arrows to the left, right, Up, and down on the keyboard.

Modifier Keys: These keys modify the function of other keys when pressed in combination. Common modifier keys include:

Shift: Used to type uppercase letters and access symbols on the number row.

Ctrl (Control): Used in combination with other keys for keyboard shortcuts.

Alt (Alternate): Also used in combination with other keys for shortcuts and alternate characters.

Win (Windows) / Command (Mac): Activates the Start menu (Windows) or the Mac OS command functionality (Mac).

Giving Commands with a Keyboard, e.g. Booting Command

We use a power switch to turn the computer ON and OFF is called COLD BOOTING while the use of a combination of keys on the keyboard (Command) is called WARM BOOTING. The three keys that are involved are Control(Ctrl), Alternate(Alt), and Delete(Del) keys which can be carried out in the following ways: Ctrl and Alt keys are first pressed together with the left hand because they are close to each other and Del is pressed with the right hand. Immediately the system starts to reload the operating system (Warm Booting).



Activity I: The teacher leads by asking the learners about the previous topic

Activity II: The teacher introduces and explains mastery of the keyboard.

Activity III: Learners will list the types of keyboards.

Activity IV: Learners will mention the sections of the keyboard.

Activity V: The teacher makes necessary corrections and also adds to the learner’s opinion

WRAP-UP & ASSESSMENT: in order to determine the level of understanding of the topic by the learners, the teacher will ask the following questions:

What are the sections of the keyboard?


Menti on the correct setting posture while using the computer system



 Mr.Boluwaji Ojajuni

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