By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Explain the meaning of radioactivity
  2. Distinguish between the three basic radioactive emissions.
  3. Enumerate the importance and hazard of the basic radioactive emissions.
  4. compare and contrast natural and artificial radioactivity


Radioactivity is the spontaneous emission of radiation from the nucleus of an unstable atom. Atoms are composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons and neutrons are found in the nucleus, while electrons orbit the nucleus in energy levels.

There are three main types of radioactive decay:

  1. Alpha Decay: In alpha decay, an unstable nucleus emits an alpha particle, which consists of two protons and two neutrons. This emission reduces the atomic number of the nucleus by 2 and the mass number by 4.
  2. Beta Decay: In beta decay, a neutron in the nucleus is converted into a proton and an electron. The proton remains in the nucleus, while the electron (beta particle) is emitted from the nucleus. This emission increases the atomic number of the nucleus by 1 while keeping the mass number unchanged.
  3. Gamma Decay: Gamma decay involves the release of gamma rays, which are high-energy electromagnetic waves. Gamma rays are emitted from a nucleus that is in an excited state following alpha or beta decay. Gamma decay does not change the atomic or mass number of the nucleus but results in the emission of energy in the form of gamma rays.


Radioactive materials undergo decay until they reach a stable configuration. The rate of decay is characterized by the half-life, which is the time it takes for half of the radioactive atoms in a sample to decay into stable atoms.

Uses Of Radioactivity

Radioactivity has various applications in medicine, industry, and research, including cancer treatment (radiotherapy), radiocarbon dating, nuclear power generation, and radiographic imaging. However, exposure to high levels of radioactivity can pose health risks, including tissue damage and increased risk of cancer. Therefore, the use and handling of radioactive materials are regulated to ensure safety and minimize risks to human health and the environment.


Distinguish between the three basic radioactive emissions.


  1. Alpha Particles (α):
    • Composition: Alpha particles are composed of two protons and two neutrons, essentially a helium-4 nucleus.
    • Charge: They have a positive charge of +2.
    • Mass: Relatively heavy compared to other radioactive emissions.
    • Penetration: Alpha particles are the least penetrating of the three types. They can be stopped by a sheet of paper or a few centimeters of air.
    • Ionizing Power: Due to their relatively large mass and charge, alpha particles have high ionizing power. They can cause significant damage to biological tissues if they are inhaled or ingested but pose minimal external radiation hazards.
  2. Beta Particles (β):
    • Composition: Beta particles are either electrons (β⁻) or positrons (β⁺).
    • Charge: Beta particles have a negative charge (β⁻) or a positive charge (β⁺).
    • Mass: Beta particles are much smaller and lighter than alpha particles.
    • Penetration: Beta particles are more penetrating than alpha particles but less penetrating than gamma rays. They can travel through several millimeters of aluminum or other dense materials.
    • Ionizing Power: Beta particles have moderate ionizing power. They can penetrate the skin and cause damage to living tissues, but their effects are less severe than those of alpha particles.
  3. Gamma Rays (γ):
    • Composition: Gamma rays are high-energy electromagnetic waves.
    • Charge: They are electrically neutral.
    • Mass: Gamma rays have no mass.
    • Penetration: Gamma rays are highly penetrating and can travel long distances through air and other materials. They require several centimeters of lead or many centimeters of concrete to reduce their intensity significantly.
    • Ionizing Power: Gamma rays have low to moderate ionizing power compared to alpha and beta particles. They can cause damage to living tissues and are a significant source of external radiation exposure.

Alpha particles are the least penetrating but have high ionizing power, beta particles are more penetrating but have moderate ionizing power, and gamma rays are highly penetrating but have low to moderate ionizing power. Each type of emission poses different risks and requires specific precautions depending on its properties and the context of its use or exposure.

 Important Radioactivity

  1. Medical Applications:
    • Alpha, beta, and gamma emissions are used in various medical procedures for diagnostics and treatments, such as radiotherapy for cancer treatment, nuclear medicine imaging (e.g., PET scans, SPECT scans), and sterilization of medical equipment.
  2. Industrial and Scientific Applications:
    • Radioactive emissions are utilized in industrial processes, including radiography for flaw detection in materials, sterilization of food and medical supplies, and testing of materials for structural integrity. They are also used in scientific research for labeling and tracing molecules in biological systems.
  3. Energy Production:
    • Beta and gamma emissions are harnessed in nuclear power plants to generate electricity through controlled nuclear fission reactions. This contributes to a significant portion of the world’s electricity production, offering a low-carbon alternative to fossil fuels.
  4. Environmental Monitoring:
    • Radioactive emissions are monitored in the environment to assess natural background radiation levels and to detect any abnormal increases due to human activities, such as nuclear accidents or waste disposal. This helps in ensuring public safety and environmental protection.
  5. Archaeological and Geological Dating:
    • Radioactive emissions are utilized in radiometric dating techniques to determine the age of geological formations, artifacts, and archaeological specimens. For example, carbon-14 dating relies on the decay of carbon-14 (a beta emitter) to estimate the age of organic materials.

Hazards Radioactivity

  1. Health Risks:
    • Exposure to radioactive emissions can pose significant health risks, including tissue damage, genetic mutations, and an increased risk of cancer. The extent of the health hazard depends on the type of emission, its energy level, the duration of exposure, and the route of exposure (external or internal).
  2. Environmental Contamination:
    • Accidental releases of radioactive materials into the environment, such as from nuclear accidents or improper disposal of radioactive waste, can lead to environmental contamination. This contamination can persist for long periods and have detrimental effects on ecosystems and public health.
  3. Radiation Accidents:
    • Mishandling of radioactive materials or accidents involving nuclear facilities can result in radiation exposure to workers and nearby populations. Radiation accidents, such as the Chernobyl and Fukushima disasters, highlight the potential for widespread contamination and long-term health consequences.
  4. Security Risks:
    • Radioactive materials, if not properly secured, can be used for malicious purposes, such as the development of dirty bombs or improvised nuclear devices. These pose security threats and can result in mass casualties, environmental contamination, and societal disruption.
  5. Waste Management Challenges:
    • Radioactive waste generated from various applications, including nuclear power generation, medical procedures, and industrial processes, requires careful management and disposal due to its long-lived nature and potential hazards. Safe storage and disposal of radioactive waste present technical, logistical, and regulatory challenges.

Natural Radioactivity

  1. Source:
    • Natural radioactivity arises from naturally occurring radioactive isotopes present in the Earth’s crust, atmosphere, and living organisms. Examples include uranium, thorium, and potassium isotopes.
  2. Origin:
    • Natural radioactivity originates from the decay of unstable isotopes that exist in nature due to processes such as nucleosynthesis in stars and the Earth’s geological history.
  3. Types of Radiation:
    • Natural radioactivity emits various types of radiation, including alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays, depending on the decay process of the radioactive isotopes.
  4. Examples:
    • Examples of natural sources of radiation include radon gas emanating from the ground, cosmic radiation from space, and radioactive isotopes present in rocks, soil, and living organisms.

Artificial Radioactivity

  1. Source:
    • Artificial radioactivity is generated by human activities, primarily through nuclear reactions in laboratories, nuclear power plants, medical facilities, and industrial processes.
  2. Origin:
    • Artificial radioactivity originates from the manipulation of stable isotopes through processes such as nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, particle bombardment, and neutron activation.
  3. Types of Radiation:
    • Artificial radioactivity also emits various types of radiation, including alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays, similar to natural radioactivity.
  4. Examples:
    • Examples of artificial sources of radiation include nuclear power plant emissions, medical isotopes used in diagnostics and treatments, industrial radiography sources, and fallout from nuclear weapons testing.


  1. Nature of Source:
    • Natural radioactivity arises from naturally occurring isotopes, while artificial radioactivity results from human-made nuclear processes.
  2. Occurrence:
    • Natural radioactivity is ubiquitous and has existed since the formation of the Earth, whereas artificial radioactivity is a relatively recent phenomenon associated with human technological advancements.
  3. Regulation:
    • Natural radioactivity is subject to natural processes and environmental factors, while artificial radioactivity is regulated and controlled by human institutions and regulations.
  4. Purpose:
    • Natural radioactivity serves various natural processes and phenomena, including geology, biology, and cosmology, while artificial radioactivity is primarily used for technological, scientific, medical, and industrial purposes.


  1. Origin:
    • Natural radioactivity originates from natural processes and phenomena, while artificial radioactivity results from human interventions and activities.
  2. Frequency:
    • Natural radioactivity occurs continuously in the environment, while artificial radioactivity occurs sporadically and is mainly associated with specific human activities and events.
  3. Impact:
    • Natural radioactivity generally has a long-term, low-level impact on human health and the environment, while artificial radioactivity can have more immediate and localized impacts, especially in the event of accidents or mishandling.


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