Freedom: C R S J S 1 Third Term Scheme of work

Freedom: C R S J S 1 Third Term Scheme of work

Freedom: C R S J S 1 Third Term Scheme of work




Freedom: C R S J S 1 Third Term Scheme of work

Meaning Of Freedom

Freedom is the state of being free or not in bondage which can encompass various dimensions:

The concept of freedom in the Bible is multifaceted and rich in meaning, reflecting both spiritual and societal dimensions.


  1. Spiritual Freedom: Bionically, freedom often refers to liberation from sin and its consequences. In the New Testament, particularly in the teachings of Jesus Christ and the writings of the apostles, freedom is closely tied to redemption and salvation. It’s the freedom from bondage to sin and the freedom to live a life in accordance with God’s will. For example, in John 8:36, Jesus says, “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”
  2. Freedom in Christ: Another aspect is the freedom found in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This freedom includes liberation from religious legalism and the ability to experience God’s grace and love. Galatians 5:1 states, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”
  3. Social Justice and Liberation: Throughout the Bible, there’s also a theme of social justice and liberation from oppression. The Exodus story, for example, depicts God’s intervention to free the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, illustrating God’s concern for the oppressed and downtrodden. Isaiah 61:1 speaks of the Messiah’s mission to “proclaim liberty to the captives and freedom to the prisoners.”
  4. Freedom in Love and Service: The biblical understanding of freedom often emphasizes not just the absence of constraint, but also the responsibility to use one’s freedom for good. In Galatians 5:13, Paul writes, “You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.”
  5. Spiritual Freedom: Spiritual freedom can also involves the ability of individuals to practice their religious beliefs or spiritual traditions without persecution or coercion. It includes the freedom of conscience and the right to worship according to one’s faith.
  6. Political Freedom: This refers to the freedom of individuals to participate in the political process, express their opinions, assemble peacefully, and exercise other civil liberties without interference from the government or other authorities.
  7. Civil Liberties: Civil liberties encompass a range of freedoms granted to individuals by law, including freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, and the right to privacy.
  8. Economic Freedom: Economic freedom relates to the ability of individuals to engage in economic activities without excessive government intervention or restrictions. It includes the freedom to own property, pursue employment, start businesses, and engage in trade and commerce.
  9. Social Freedom: Social freedom refers to the ability of individuals to live their lives according to their own values, beliefs, and preferences without undue societal or cultural constraints. It includes freedom from discrimination, freedom of association, and the right to cultural expression.
  10. Individual Freedom: Individual freedom pertains to the autonomy and self-determination of each person, allowing them to make choices about their lives, pursue their own goals, and exercise personal liberties without interference from others.


Here are five reasons for a call to freedom by God in Christianity:

  1. Freedom from Sin: God calls people to freedom from the bondage of sin through the redemption provided by Jesus Christ. This freedom enables individuals to live a righteous and holy life, reconciled to God.
  2. Freedom for Love and Service: Christians are called to freedom not for selfish desires but to serve one another in love, following the example of Jesus Christ who came to serve rather than to be served.
  3. Freedom to Worship: God calls believers to freedom in worship, allowing them to express their devotion and praise to Him without fear or hindrance, both individually and collectively as a community of faith.
  4. Freedom from Legalism: Christianity emphasizes freedom from religious legalism, emphasizing grace and faith rather than strict adherence to religious rules and rituals for salvation.
  5. Freedom to Share the Gospel: Christians are called to freedom in sharing the Good News of salvation with others, spreading the message of hope and reconciliation that comes through faith in Jesus Christ.

These reasons reflect the spiritual, relational, and communal aspects of freedom as understood in the Christian faith.

Freedom: C R S J S 1 Third Term Scheme of work

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boluwaji ojajuni
boluwaji ojajuni

As A Skilled professional teacher with background in improving student performance. Focused on working with students, parents, colleagues and administrators alike to teach and motivate students. Excellent communicator, passionate, and gifted professional with over 10-years teaching experience.

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