How To Overcome Staff Shortages |Factors Influencing Teacher retention

 How To Overcome Staff Shortages  Factors Influencing Teacher retention?

The teacher is position in the segment of the lives of the young where he has an easy access to their minds which can easily be influence, re-orientate and refocus or reshaped the mind. so we teachers are in the lest position to lead a person out of crisis.

How To Overcome Staff Shortages  Factors Influencing Teacher retention?

Educators at every level are trying their best to keep students safe and provide in-person instruction at the same time by building . But with the challenges staff have faced over the last two years, it can be hard to retain your teachers and dedicated staff to the overall vision and mission of the school and education at large in building and caving moral and character development in their hart.  As a dedicated passionate leadership teacher and based on our vision in raising the next leader with excellent moral standard with capacity and characters. We want to help. That’s why we’re sharing some information surrounding staff shortages and this list 2 ways schools can overcome staff shortages (that parents and teachers will love). But read till the end and enjoy the message at the end.

How To Overcome Staff Shortages |Factors Influencing Teacher retention?



Several factors can make your school to continue to have shortage of teachers every now and then, based on the listed factors below.

As a school business consultant, l can go on to give you not less than 20 different factors that can make you to continue losing dedicated and competent staff members.

However, let me summarize those 20 factors into just TWO.

Below are those two major factors that has made you to continually be in need of teachers.



My dear school owner, the place of your leadership style cannot be overemphasized.


How do you relate with your staff?
How do you correct them when they go wrong?
How do you address them?
How do you handle their individual differences?
What is your disposition to their welfare?

All these and many more are expressed through your leadership styles.

In essence, your leadership style serves as a catalyst for staff retention.



As a consultant, l don’t always hide my feelings when it comes to staff remuneration.

I will always tell school owners to look into this aspect critically because it is a very sensitive area.

It is believed that a healthy and financially buoyant teacher will perform better on duty than a teacher who is not “stomach-balanced”.

Ask those teachers who are hunting for new schools to work with in this new session.
Not less that 85% of them will tell you that they need a better pay.

I am aware that the economy is biting hard on everyone but the teaching professionals are the worst hit, especially the private school teachers.

Why are many teachers leaving their father land to the white man’s country a.k.a. (Japa)?

It is simply because they want a better life for themselves and their children too.

I have come to the realization of the fact that by nature, teachers are not greedy!

Give them what is due to them and you will see yourself winning their loyalty to the school and dedication to their duties.

As a school owner, are your staff well paid?

Can you boastfully say that your staff can live comfortably with their salary?
Are you a school owner who deduction of salary is the only weapon he or she uses to correct members of staff?
Are you a school owner who always pay teachers as and when due even if going to take overdraft from the bank?
Are you a school owner who values staff members or you believe that school is just like the barracks where soldiers go and soldiers come?

Therefore, if you continue to lose dedicated staff, check if you are not guilty of the above offence.

Of course, I know it is not easy to be a school owner but please do your best to satisfy your conscience and maintain fairness in dealing with all members of staff without prejudice or brassiness. But you can enciurage them  by empowering them everything is not money thats why we are here to help you count on us free of charge we are God sent to make a change. Book Appointment Now


You can invite me to your school for staff management and leadership training.
As a school owner who wants to learn more, you can join our inner circle of school owners by calling on us The Passionate Teacher With Legacy where more knowledge, insights and ideas are shared, send me a WhatsApp message immediately with the below contacts or you can make a call to me.

The Passionate Teacher with Legacy 


Leadership Expert

Educational Consultant

Teacher Trainer
+2348076206066/ +234810232

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How To Overcome Staff Shortages |Factors Influencing Teacher retention

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