Topic: In what way am I a delight before God

Bible Text: 1 Samuel 16:1-12

Minister: Elder Ajiboye 




The question everyone needs to answer is, in what way are we a delight before God?, this is a question every man and woman has to ask themselves. This will help us align with our mega theme of the “unstoppable move of God” that we are observing this year.

In the journey of life, if we have not gotten to a stage where we delight (pleases) God, I pray our journey will not be in vain. HOW TO DELIGHT YOURSELF IN THE LORD|MOSES| DAVID THE EXPERT

So many things we do that is overlooked today and this things are not making us to delight God. We have people in the bible that have delighted God with their way of life and all through God has been happy with them.


1. Things we do that we don’t pay attention to

2. Examples of those in the bible that delight God

3. Steps to delight God




1. Things we do that we don’t pay attention to that matter most in life:

A. Lateness:

It makes one irritating before God. It presents you as someone that doesn’t know what he is doing or one without the holy spirit or present one as if that person is only just existing in this world without focus. God hates lateness because He is a God of time. Many come late without care and really it is irritating before God.

B. Wrong use of phones in the church:

The phones used wrongly or used against the activities of the church are so irritating before God. Satan uses this medium to take the blessings of many unnoticed.

C. Unnecessary noise making:

Many will be in the church yet making noise. All this signify that we don’t have the fear of God. It is God that will reward you us and not me.

D. Pride:

Some of us have this unnecessary pride in us and honestly, this are the works of Satan and have made many to be irritating before God. God detest the proud and give grace to the humble.

E. Backbiting:

This is not right before God and we need to pay apt attention to it. It has made many to be irritating before God, is advisable we change today because there is no time to waste.

Bible verses to read? Reference: Genesis 15:6, 39:1-9, Numbers 12:3, Judges 4:4-6, Acts 13:22, Proverbs 11:20.


Examples of those who delight God in the bible

1. Abraham:

Abraham used faith to please God and not his works. God counted his faith to righteousness inspite of his wrong doing but because of the faith in God, He overlook his wrong doing. If you don’t have what pleases then is a big problem. Those who please God, no matter the errors, he will overlook them. If you don’t have what pleases God, those errors will wait for you on the day of judgement.

2. Moses:

This is another person that pleases God. God said I looked everywhere in the world no one is as humble as Moses. With meekness he was able to delight God.

3. Joseph:

He also pleased God. He was able to overcome sin that God was so happy with him.

4. Deborah:

She was strictly unbiased in all her judgement. God saw this good character in her and was really delighted in her to an extent that God told her to tell Barrack that the battle before them is already won.

5. David:

He is another good example of someone that delight God. David loved all his enemies and never had problem with him. David saw his enemies yet not looking for their downfall but their progress. Even the man that brought news that he killed King Saul was killed by David. If God delight in you, he will fight your enemies for you.


So what are you using to delight God. If it hasn’t gotten to the stage that they ridicule you with it, it means you have not started pleasing God. Your pleasing God will draw attention of those that will want to mock you.

David is someone that pleases God to an extent that the wife abused him. So in pleasing God, it means there is something you are doing either in the church, home, society etc that will draw attention of mockers which will lead God to give you victory over your enemies.

Is good to ask God to allow you do things that will delight Him. If God is pleased with you, He will rise for you and no one can stand against you.
From all the above names, all of them were successful. God was moved from His throne to make a statement that David is a man after His heart.

Finally, when you please God, sin will run away from you.


Steps to take to please God


1. Try to please man:

If you don’t please man, you cannot please God.

That you are in the church, at home or in the society and no one says they delight in you then there is a problem.

Husband’s and wife’s cannot say to each other that they have delight in each other, even in the church if you can’t hear such comments, something is wrong.


2. Don’t plan evil against your fellow man

Never have the thoughts of evil towards anyone. God told Abraham that I will curse those who curse you and bless those who bless you because his ways pleases the lord and no one can change the word. Never have evil thought against anyone if you want to delight God.

3. Be merciful

This is one of the most profitable business so far and that is been merciful. The bible said the merciful shall obtain mercy.

Sermon Given

On the 26/6/2024 Message

Thank you.

Take Charge And Be A God Delight Today And Give Your Life To Christ Jesus 



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