Teaching Etiquette

As a professional Teacher, When you teach, you need to be able to set high standards of behavior. This will help you to ensure that your students learn effectively for their own benefit. In order to achieve this, teachers must imbibe etiquette. This can be achieved in a number of ways.


If you are a teacher, you know that teaching is about more than just conveying information. It’s about instilling values, promoting social justice and building positive relationships with your students.

One of the most important things that you can do to ensure a good learning experience for your students is to follow etiquette. This can help you keep a positive and respectful environment in your classroom, avoid any awkward moments and ensure that your lessons are well-planned.

Teach kids the basics of manners from a young age and make sure they stick with it. These include saying please and thank you; washing hands before meals; holding their plates and spoons correctly; and being polite at all times.

Having good manners can make your children more effective friends, family members and professionals as they grow up. They may make a few etiquette mistakes now and then, but you have to be patient with them and teach them how to correct their errors. You must also give them the freedom to continue learning etiquette and grow alongside them.

Etiquette rules

Etiquette is a way of treating others with respect. This can help you build relationships with them and avoid annoying them.

There are many etiquette rules that teachers need to know in order to be effective educators. These include proper table manners, respectful behavior, and proper dress code.

Teaching etiquette to students is a great way to help them understand the importance of good manners and social norms. However, it is important to understand that these rules can vary depending on the age group you are teaching.

It is also important to teach your students the importance of following the classroom rules. These rules are essential for creating an educational environment that fosters learning and growth. They can also be used to set a positive tone for the class and prevent conflicts from arising.


Teachers are expected to be confident, caring, creative, and warm individuals who have the capacity to connect with their students. They are expected to model a positive and healthy learning environment that helps children develop the skills they need to become upstanding adults.

Research on teacher personality is a diverse and growing area of study, based on diverse methodologies. Most of the studies are based on self-evaluations of teachers by their pupils, university students or experts in the educational field and on various types of questionnaires.

A number of methodological problems and open questions are encountered in assessing teachers’ personalities, for example, when it comes to data collection techniques and possible research designs. This review presents five groups of studies in this field and offers a framework for further research on teacher personality.

Lesson planning

The lesson planning process is a crucial part of teaching. It involves a number of steps and includes everything from planning the content of the class to assessing student learning.

First, you must outline the objectives for the lesson. These should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound).

Next, you must determine the materials and equipment that you will need to teach the lesson. These can include books, journals, worksheets or handouts, calculators, projectors and whiteboard markers, among others. You must write down the summative assessments that you will use to assess students’ progress. These may be quizzes, tests, essays, presentations or other similar activities. A well-structured lesson plan should also have a timeline that shows how the objectives for the lesson will be met within the allotted time. This will help ensure that all of the intended tasks are completed by the end of the class.

Etiquette For Teachers In Lagos Nigeria

As a teacher in Lagos, Nigeria, it’s important to understand and follow certain etiquette guidelines to ensure that you maintain a professional and respectful relationship with your students, their parents, and your colleagues. Here are some etiquette tips that you should keep in mind:
  1. Dress professionally: As a teacher, it’s important to dress professionally and modestly. You should avoid wearing revealing or overly casual clothing. Your attire should be neat, clean, and appropriate for the classroom setting.
  2. Be punctual: In Nigeria, being on time is very important. You should always arrive at school and your classes on time. If you’re going to be late for any reason, it’s important to inform your colleagues or the school administration as soon as possible.
  3. Respect cultural norms: Lagos is a diverse city with different cultural and religious beliefs. As a teacher, it’s important to respect these differences and avoid making any insensitive comments or actions.
  4. Use formal language: It’s important to use formal language when addressing your students and their parents. Avoid using slang or informal language that may be perceived as disrespectful.
  5. Be respectful: You should always treat your students and their parents with respect. Avoid yelling or using derogatory language when addressing them.
  6. Maintain confidentiality: As a teacher, you may be privy to confidential information about your students or their families. It’s important to maintain confidentiality and not share any sensitive information with others.
  7. Communicate effectively: Effective communication is key to building a good relationship with your students, their parents, and your colleagues. Be clear and concise in your communication and avoid using jargon or technical terms that may be difficult to understand.
  8. Avoid child molestation which is the crime of sexual acts with minors, including touching of private parts, exposure of genitalia, taking of pornographic pictures, rape, inducement of sexual acts with the molester or with other children, and variations of these acts.

By following these etiquette guidelines, you can establish yourself as a professional and respectful teacher in Lagos, Nigeria.

boluwaji ojajuni
boluwaji ojajuni

As A Skilled professional teacher with background in improving student performance. Focused on working with students, parents, colleagues and administrators alike to teach and motivate students. Excellent communicator, passionate, and gifted professional with over 10-years teaching experience.

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