The Danger of Forsaking God | The Lord | Consequences 

The Danger of Forsaking God | The Lord | Consequences 

Bible Text: Jeremiah 17:5-13


The above bible text was directed to the people of Judah in other to correct their shortcomings.

God wanted to correct them and He sent the Prophet to them to make them understand that try have derailed from doing the will of God, His instructions and they have become so disobedient.

Many because of the situation of the country have slowly stopped following God.The Danger of Forsaking God | The Lord | Consequences 

We know how it is when a parent disown a child, it will be difficult for that child to excel in life. Also, if God turns His back from a child, it will be difficult for that child to move forward in life.

Jacob made a statement to Ruben that made is life not to balance how much more our God.

Whoever forsake God is already in danger. The prodigal son forsake his father because of covetousness and he faced the consequences.

Please note that there are excuses that God will not agree with eg I don’t have money or money to pay for group contributions or money to use for offerings. This are excuses that God will never entertain asides the dangers are enormous. God wants us to represent Him and worship Him and if we refuse the consequences are much that we can’t bear.

The Danger of Forsaking God | The Lord | Consequences 


1. Benefits for those that put their trust in God



There are lots of benefits when you put your trust in God, likewise there are consequences when you forsake God. If you have clothes, put your trust in God and if you don’t have clothes also put your trust in Him.

If you have money, put your trust in God and if you don’t have money just put your trust in God.
If you have shelter put your trust in God and if you don’t have or sleeping outside, what He wants is just put your trust in Him. If you have food or you are hungry, just put your trust in God.

1. They will experience differs blessings of God

In (v 7), it means if you put your trust in God, definitely He will shower His blessings on you. It is likely you are not seeing it now but be rest assured it will come.

Now is not only money that will surface, we have others like peace, mercies, grace, upliftment etc.

The book of Psalm 34:8, Psalm 1:1-3. The bible says taste and put your trust in Him and He will do you a lot of good. God will never forsake anyone who serves Him wholeheartedly.

2. They will always flourish: Psalm 1:3.


In their businesses, families and anything they do will prosper. This people don’t suffer or have hindrances no matter how difficult it is.

3. They will have comfort


4. They will be fruitful in everything:

They are never afraid of any situation because they know that whatever they lay their hands will be fruitful.



Those who forsake God will do the following things.

1. They look after man

When you forsake God meaning you will trust men and men can fail you in anyway and this can result to blood pressure and other unpleasant things. The bible said woe to the man that trust in man. Isaiah 2:22, it says stop chasing men. God wants us to rely on Him alone.

2. They Become Rebel


No wonder there is fighting and murmuring today because we fail to follow His laws. God no longer speak to us when He discovered many have rebelled against him. Isaiah 30:1-3, God says, woe unto those children who rebel against Him and refuse to take His counsel.

This are reasons why prayers are not answered. Who is at fault, you will wonder why Jesus said if He comes back, if He will meet faith in earth.

2. Prosperity and Goodness will be far from them

V.6 of that Jeremiah 17, means if you forsake God, you have forsaken blessings and goodness. Whenever God is abandoned His move will abandon the place.

3. They will be full of deceit

(vs 9-10) They will be easily deceived and tossed everywhere. We put the bible aside and busy looking for nonsense. What do you want that is not in the bible and the moment you put it aside, you will be given deceit.

Is obvious many want to eat what they have not laboured for, the bible says they will perish easily.

4. They will pursue what they didn’t labor for

Those who forsake God will chase what they didn’t work for and will cause many to derail from the part of God or you see them looking for quick wealth which could cause sudden death. That is why we have yahoo yahoo everywhere today.

5. They will experience shame and reproach


(v.13) Those in the world have dine with the devil and not ready to disappoint the devil.

This category of people know they will not last and you see them dieing at tender age of 50, 40, 30 or 25 only because of what the devil will give to them and will never want to betray the devil knowing the consequences involved.

However, this things don’t last and it finally brings shame and reproach in the life of the person.

In conclusion

Are we not mocked along with our faith ?

When there is nothing to glorify God with in your life only because you have forsake that God who is the source of your life and He is the living water.

Is high time we need to check ourselves to know where we have forsaken Him and repent from our ways. The prodigal son realize his mistakes, came back to his father and he was taken back. You can do the same today.

Thank you.

The Danger of Forsaking God | The Lord | Consequences 

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