Walking In God’s Covenant | Keys to Covenant Blessing

Walking In God’s Covenant | Keys to

Covenant Blessing

Bible Text:Psalm 89:1-4

I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever;
    with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known
    through all generations.
I will declare that your love stands firm forever,
    that you have established your faithfulness in heaven itself.
You said, “I have made a covenant with my chosen one,
    I have sworn to David my servant,
‘I will establish your line forever
    and make your throne firm through all generations.


We cannot enjoy the unstoppable move of God without walking in God’s covenant.

The men of God flourishing today without blemishes in their life and work is because they entered into a covenant with God.

Abraham enter into a covenant with God and God made a him is friend to an extent that He won’t do anything without telling Abraham. Infact He called Abraham my friend.

God looked at Moses and because of the covenant God says among everyone you have a meek heart.

Also, David who did a lot of wrongs before God but because of the covenant, God says I will not lie to you. In Psalm 89, God made a vow with Himself concerning David.

What you will experience when you enter into a covenant with God.

Favor: When you enter a covenant with God, you will experience favor.


If everyone is struggling that person that is in covenant with God will not struggle. Among his peers theirs will be different and they will stand out. If others are successful, they will be more successful, if others are experiencing failures, they will be be experiencing favour because of the covenant. If others are looking for a way, for them the way is already open.

Those with covenant, curses will not work on them. God told Abraham that whoever curses you, i will curse them. So those with the covenant of God will be experiencing joy, peace and the heaven will never be shut against them.

This is the type of covenant Joseph experienced. He was in the prison but things where going well for him.


Those with the covenant of God will always experience peace all round in their life. In their going in and out they will be experiencing peace. In their home is peace, with their children is peace and in all they do is peace all round.

Covenant started with Noah in the bible. Asides there are many covenants in the bible eg covenant of blessings, good health, long life, breakthrough, peace etc.

Let’s not forget that entering covenant with Jesus too is important because we need Him in our life.

Thank you.


Walking In God’s Covenant | Keys to

Covenant Blessing

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