Sermon: Intervention Of Mercy That Leads To Encounter

Sermon: Intervention Of Mercy That Leads To Encounter

Message: Intervention Of Mercy That Leads To Encounter

Bible Text: Luke 7:11-15


Whenever there is intervention of mercy then encounters will always manifest. Anyone who lacks mercy will find it difficult to experience encounters.

If we take a look at the passage read to us, there is this huge noise concerning a dead man (Adult) who is the only son of a widow. She has no other children or anyone to look up to. Meanwhile, Jesus was passing through the city called Nain, Lesson 1, many don’t know when their Jesus will come but instead, they prefer to sit at home because that particular day when the Jesus of that woman passed her by and she experienced an encounter through the compassion, pity, sorry that Jesus had for her.

When you look at the topic, you will see that we need mercy in every area of our lives. Mercy spoke for that woman, I pray that mercy will speak for us in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Those who surrounded the woman couldn’t do anything to help her situation, instead, they aggravated her situation by mocking her and pretending to feel pity for her but when mercy came, it silenced all those mocking the woman,, so also many of us most times find ourselves in this situation that people around us do pretend to feel our pain with us but behind are laughing at our predicament.


1. What Intervention of mercy does
2. What do we need to do to experience the intervention of mercy that will lead us to an encounter with the intervention of mercy?


What Intervention of mercy does

1. When mercy intervenes, it will wipe away all the tears:

Many are crying within because of their health, their business, marriage, etc, however, whenever mercy surfaces the situation will turn around. I pray mercy will intervene for you in Jesus’ name, Amen.

2. When mercy intervenes, you will forget your past problems:

Others were laughing but the woman was busy crying. Immediately Jesus saw the woman, He told her that she should be cheerful. Jesus saw where the man is kept and He told the young man to stand up and he that was dead became alive. The woman forgot the past immediately mercy intervenes.

3. When mercy intervenes, those mocking you will be the first to celebrate you:

In verse 15, he that was dead rose up and was handed over to his mother. Within a second, sadness turns to joy and mockery turns to celebration.

4. When mercy intervenes, you will speak boldly anywhere:

It got to a point where the dead man came alive and started talking. 1 Samuel 2:1-2, here Hannah rejoiced that her heart rejoices to the lord…. because when mercy intervenes, you will talk boldly over your enemies for what the Lord has done.

5. When mercy intervenes, the glory of God will manifest:

Mercy will showcase the glory of God in your life to the extent that no one can stop it. You will become the most talked about in the town just because the mercy of God intervened. They will want to know you, see you, and associate with you when mercy intervenes. verses 16-17…

The absence of mercy is the reason why glory has not been revealed.

I pray that your glory will manifest in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

What we need to do to experience the intervention of mercy that will lead us to an encounter with the intervention of mercy.

1. First, you must have an encounter with your maker, our lord Jesus Christ. That woman had an encounter because Jesus passed through that town. The woman was seriously crying when Jesus met her and He told her to cry no more.


Everyone needs an encounter in one way or the other and the only way this can happen is when mercy intervenes. God is a merciful God and His mercies are always available for us all the time.

I pray that the mercy that you need will open the doors of encounter in your life, may you receive it in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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