Relationship In The Church Week 10 Jss1 Second Term

Relationship In The Church Week 10 Jss1 Second Term

Christian Religion studies


Instructional materials :Textbook, Holy Bible ,Marker and white board.

Objectives :At the end of the lesson students should be able to understand

  1. What relationship in the church is all about.
  2. How to maintain a relationship in the church.

Relationship In The Church Week 10 Jss1 Second Term


Definition of a church

A church is the house of God where Christians worship to commune with God and offer praises. Some of the definitions of church are contained in these Bible passage. Ephesians 1:22-23 says

“And he has put all things under his feet and has made him the head over all things for the church, which is his body “. base on the this bible verse above as quoted church can be  defines as the body of Christ.


Relationship in the church Should be as:

1 The church should be a place where brotherly love is shared among christian brothers and sisters.
2 The church should be a place where there is no discrimination.
3 There should be genuine care for all brethren in the church.
4 There should be respect for the servant of God i.e, The pastor and other church officials.
5 The Church should be a place where the true word of God is preached.
6 The church should be a place where erring members, including the ministers of God, are disciplined. Likewise, it should be a place where worshipers are reformed to become better citizens.


How To Maine  A Relationship In The Church.

(1 Peter 3:1-13,Romans 13:1-7)

The Church is an assembly of the children of God. and the Bible encourage us not to forsake the gathering of one another as a believer. The church is regarded as a place where people are fed with the word of God to know the right things to do in life and in our daily living .

The Bible admonishes that the following relationship should exist among Christians in the church.

  1. Christians should have love of brethren and sympathy for one another.
  2. Christians should have a tender heart and a humble mind.
  3. There should be unity of spirit among Christians.
  4. Christians should not return evil for evil but on the contrary, they should bless because they have been called to be a blessing others, they will also obtain a blessing.
  5. They should keep their tongues from evil and their lips from speaking deceit.
  6. Christians should seek and pursue peace always
  7. They should obey and respect the leaders both in the church and in the community because leaders are appointed by God.


Relationship In The Church Week 10 Jss1 Second Term



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