DECISION is the act or process of making choices, deciding on what to do by making a judgment.

Text: Deuteronomy 30:19, Isa 60, Psalm 32:8


  • What is decision?
  • What is destiny?
  • Need to make a careful decision in life
  • 6 great decisions you must make in life for success and greatness

DECISION is the act or process of making choices, deciding on what to do by making a judgment.

DESTINY – destiny simply means Gods plan and purpose for his creation. Children conceived long before we were born. Romans 8:29-30, Eph 1:11.

Destiny depends on the kind of decision and quality of decision you make in life. Dut: 30:19.


  1. Decision are the ladders that scale men into enviable destinies
  2. Decision has no respect for your background.
  3. Your destiny is the outcome of your decision
  4. Decisions decide destiny
  5. Every decision you take or make in life has consequence
  6. Your only choose decisions but we don’t choose consequences


  1. You must make decision to make exceptional spiritual progress. Rm 8:6, Daniel 11:3, Jerimiah 9:13-16, Mt 22: 37, Mt 6:33
  1. The decision to content for a superior belief system – you must determine to have a transformed mind. Philip 2:5, Romans 12:2

Ways To Contend For Transformation

  1. You must have a reference. I.e. Someone that look like what you want to become in future, a mentor. 1st corth 3:18, Isa 51:2.
  1. Transformation require access to superior information – These are the importance of reading books, bible, listing to teaching and other resources that develop and help your mind set. Lamentation 3:27.

“Anywhere your mind goes to, your body must eventually follow”

  1. You must discover and fulfill your god given assignment and purpose.
  2. The decision to be healthy- physically strong. 1st corth 6:19
  1. The decision to build quality destiny relationship. Who you hang with will determine what hand on you.
  2. Relationship with men. Psalm 8: 1-9, Ezekiel 22:30, Psalm 115:16, John 5:1-6, mark 15:21. You must understand the principles of sustainable relationship in other to excel.
  3. Men are ladders and men can provide leverage to your life and destiny. God will always use men for your rising. The devil will always use men for your falling.
  • Relationships are investment. Prov 13:20
  1. The decision to be financially independent. You must be determined to be financially free and to be able to manage and control your your life and destiny, if you are not financially free you may be hinder from fulfilling your purpose and destiny in life.

By Bro Boluwaji Ojajuni









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