Sermon: Walking in God’s Wisdom

Sermon: Walking in God’s Wisdom

Sunday Service Message

Title: Walking in God’s Wisdom

Bible Text: James 3:13-17, 1Kings 4:29-34

minster: Pastor. D.S Olayiwola


Walking in God’s Wisdom: Looking at our society today, what can put it in order is not the power we have the education we have attained the connections we have built, or the network of friends we have gathered but God’s wisdom from above. Walking in God’s Wisdom.

To ensure our marriage is in order, we need God’s wisdom from above. A woman who lays her hands on a business and doesn’t want it to fail or crash needs God’s wisdom. Is not the contribution (money) you have received that will determine the success of a business but God’s wisdom. Walking in God’s Wisdom

As a husband or wife, in order to ensure the home is intact, you need wisdom.

Those you know and the connections you have built cannot save us. So, the only thing that can help us in this life is that Godly wisdom from above.

Solomon is known to be a wise man with so much wisdom, however, he asked it from God and God granted it to him. All the people mentioned in v31, he was wiser than them. Before Solomon became wise, these men were the champions around, in fact, no one is wiser than them. When Solomon came on board, the entire world knew that he was the wisest.
In the life of Solomon, his going out and coming in, his attitude, the way he talks or responds to issues, from the way he leads his people, all were filled with wisdom.

Now, wisdom is not what you can buy in the market or display in any market.

Wisdom is something you can have when you ask for it without paying a dime for it.

Sermon: Walking in God’s Wisdom


1. What is wisdom

2. Sources of wisdom

3. The giver of wisdom

4. Who are those who are wise

5. Reward those who walk in the wisdom of God


1. What is wisdom

Wisdom is the capacity to judge right in matters relating to life.

However, wisdom from the biblical angle is the use of knowledge to know what is right or not right or what is good or what is not good. If you know this it will be easy to fulfill glory.

2. The source of wisdom

a. The word of God:
Anyone who does not know His word cannot live in His wisdom, and anyone who does not know His word cannot walk in His wisdom. The more you read the word of God the more you become wise.

b. From Messages:

God is the one that is talking to us and when you accept it, you will become wiser and make the necessary changes in your life. Anyone who listens to His messages will always be wiser because it makes one wise.

c. Through teaching:

Through bible study, we will have more understanding. It will tell us what to do and what not to do. You cannot be wise if you don’t go for bible study or study the bible. It will give you directions to follow. Your personal wisdom is human wisdom that cannot take you anywhere.

d. Sunday School Classes:

Through Sunday school classes, one will also become wiser. Through what you hear from the classes on a weekly basis, the questions and answers will make you wiser.

e. Conference:

During the conference, you are not going there to play instead your presence in the conference is to learn a lot of things eg things about how to pray, put your marriage in order, and guide you on steps to take if you are to embark on anything. So with all this, you will only keep growing wiser.

3. The giver of wisdom

No other person than the Trinity. The God the Father, the Son,, and the holy spirit. James 1:5, if you lack wisdom, ask from God and not anyone else and God will give it to you. This is what Solomon did when God asked him what he wanted but he responded by requesting wisdom and this amazed God.
If you don’t ask for wisdom you might be praying wrongly. Whatever your request is, you need wisdom to know how to place it before God and God will definitely answer it.

4. Who are the wise?

a. Those who fear God. Psalm 111:10a.

Anyone who wants to be wise should first fear God. Is in the fear of God or honor to God that wisdom manifests. In your marriage as a wife or husband, you need wisdom to manage it. In business, you need the wisdom to make it expand, etc.

b. Those who keep his commandment: 

c. Those who control their tongue

Many don’t know where to talk or how to talk, they are so loud and loose with words, if you find yourself in this category means he or she is not a wise person. Proverb 15:2, Proverb 11:12. Many have sold their child’s glory because they can’t keep secrets, they expose things that are personal for their use unknowingly.

d. Those who stand on the truth. Prov 23:23.
Whoever is wise does have a good understanding of things. In the church, a wise person does not move around unnecessarily.

Those who are wise will always listen and pay attention to messages during service and can give important points about what they learned in the message but a foolish person will find it difficult to say what he/she has learned.

e. Those who showcase the knowledge of God: Prov 13:10.

Here, whoever has pride will always cause confusion or fighting wherever they find themselves but the wise will always apply wisdom. It is in the church we learn the character of God, the attitude of God, and know God better but today the difference is the case.

The church is where a lot is learned and not where were can misbehave or do whatever pleases us. Is only in the church that lives can be transformed while those worldly characters, attitudes, and pride can be removed.

f. Those who control themselves from things that can bring problems. James 3:13-16.

When you keep malice, backbiting, or are always there to cause problems and antagonize your fellow man, just know that it is not wisdom, (v16).

No wonder the church has lost its place because we have abandoned the wisdom of God. There is no more wisdom or understanding, no love among Christians any longer, unity is lacking in our midst. Wherever there is no love, there will be hatred, where there is no unity, there will be confusion and when there is confusion, it will be difficult to achieve progress.

g. Those who pursue peace:

The wisdom from above is peace, enduring, mercy, fruitfulness, and biases. In the first church, there was love that no one lacked anything good. Acts 3.

5. Reward those who walk in the wisdom of God.

a. They will find favor before Man and Man. Luke 2:52

Whoever is wiser will not stay long in battles or problems, they will never suffer because there will be ways to get out of the battles. Wisdom also creates opportunity and makes a way where there is no way. Asides, it makes one stand or sit with noblemen.

b. The Grace of God will multiply in their lives. Luke 2:40

No wonder Jesus was envied. People will envy you when they spot this.

c. Wisdom will empower you
Jesus became more powerful and the grace of God was much on Him.

In conclusion

You need wisdom virtually in everything you do in life. That business that is falling and rising needs the wisdom to make it stand and expand, you need the wisdom to manage the boss that doesn’t dislike you, that marriage that is shaking needs wisdom for it to be stable, etc

Thank you.

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