Subject: Science: What Is Rusting

What Is Rusting

Subject: Science

Lesson Topic: Rusting

a) Cognitive – Student should be able:
To describe rust as the brown substance found on iron when it exposed to air and
water after observing cannon guns at Port Royal

Explain that rust is produced by the combination of oxygen with metal after
teacher demonstration
Predict which materials are likely to form rust after observing several structures in
Port Royal

Design activities that can be used to prevent iron from rusting
b) Psycho motor/skills – Student should be able:
Carry out simple activities to remove rust from cannon guns and other selected
materials using sand paper

List/Give the Conditions Necessary for Rusting


Rusting can be define as  the brown substance found on iron when they react with air and moisture.
When iron is exposed to air and moisture over a period of time the iron slowly reacts with the
oxygen producing iron oxide.

The chemical formula for iron is Fe2O3, which is also known as ferric oxide or iron oxide.

Conditions for rusting 

  1. High moisture content or contact with water.
  2. Presence of oxygen (air).


  1. By galvanizing articles made of iron.
  2. By painting or coating the articles.

Galvanization is the process of coating a metal with a zinc layer for protection. This is the most widely used technique for protecting iron from rusting.

Disadvantages of rusting

  • Change the chemical properties of metal.

  • Lose the efficiency of metal.

  • Decrease the life time of metabolic objects.

Subject: Science: What Is Rusting

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