SERMON: The Responsibility Of Parents In The World Around The Children

Bible Text: Prov 22 vs 6

Minister: Mrs. Onikugbemi 


The world today has turned upside down, mostly with the little children. What they do with some of these gadgets and on social media is really amazing. Is not their fault but is the fault of the world around them.


1. What is the responsibility

2. Responsibilities of parents in the life of the children

3. Advantages of when parents carry their responsibility on their children

4. Disadvantages of parents that fail to do their responsibility to their children


1. What Is Responsibility?

Responsibility is the act of being responsible, accountable, or answerable. Parents should know they are answerable to their children. They are to be there to ensure the world does not swallow them. God did not just give us these children to abandon them but to show more care and attention to them.

2. Responsibilities of parents in the life of the children that will not allow the world to swallow them.

a. Train the children in the word of God: Here the parents have a lot of roles to play.

The word of God is important because they should be trained in the way of the lord. If you are the type of parent that send your children cigarettes etc, just know you are not putting that child in the right part, so let’s desist from this behavior.

b. Provide for their needs:

Children have needs both male and female. Parents are to rise up to provide for the needs of theirs. They need attention ie someone to talk to. Children need to share what is bordering them and when parents are not attentive, they share it with their friends who end up advising them wrongly and many sometimes commit suicide when they don’t have anyone to talk to or pour out their mind to. 1 Timothy 5:8

c. Be a good example to the children

Not all parents show good examples to their children. Some parents will wake up early in the morning with wrappers around their chests, moving from one neighbor’s house to the other gisting. Many discuss other people’s matters in the presence of their children, while some mothers send their daughters to another person’s house to borrow money. This is the wrong attitude that children can easily learn from which could be dangerous to them.

d. Pray together with the children:

Parents should have a prayer altar in the house where the children are taught to pray. Children will have the avenue to pour out their minds to the parents concerning what they pass through in school. Parents should teach them about health education, sex education, and their body parts so that strangers will not teach them wrongly.

e. Discipline the children when necessary:

Parents should discipline their children and not over-pamper them. In as much as they are under your roof ensure discipline is not far away from them. Prov 5:17

3. Advantages Of When Parents Carry Their Responsibility On Their Children

a. They will never put you to shame:

When you spend quality time with your children and they find themselves in a tough or difficult situation, they will always remember what you have told them and the advice you gave them, so it will be hard for them to misbehave and will not want to put you to shame. Psalm 127:5

b. You will have a lot of surprises: The children will give you joyful surprises

c. You will always appreciate you: They will always appreciate you for the effort you made for them

d. The children also will be a good parent to their children.

4. Disadvantages Of Parents That Fail To Do Their Responsibility To Their Children

a. You will be put to shame:
When other parents are rejoicing with their children, going close to them will be difficult. When you don’t play your role well, then don’t expect joy. Gal 6:7

b. There won’t be peace of mind:

Here the parents will be afraid if the child will not put them in trouble.

c. They will experience long-time sorrow: 1 Corinthians 3:11-15


Please parents let’s rise up to our roles as parents so that the world will not snatch them from us. The mouth of the world around them is open to swallow them but when we do how part very well that will always overcome whatever the world is trying to throw at them.

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