Who are you Sermon?

Topic: Who are you?

Text: Gen 1:26, 1 Peter 2: 29, Eph1:18

Teacher: Bro Boluwaji Ojajuni


  • Who Are You?
  • Who Are You In Christ Jesus?
  • Your Identity
  • Need For Identifying Yourself In Life
  • How To Identify Yourself In Life

Who are you naturally, you are who you call yourself by name positively or negatively for example am Boluwaji, Shola, Tobi Etc.

There are three unique and specific name every individual must bear in life

  1. Name giving to you at birth which can be divine. Mathew 1:21
  2. Who you call yourself. Proverbs 23:7
  3. A name given by your character which is very important. Act: 3

Who are you in Christ Jesus?

You are wonderfully made by God, a royal priesthood, holy nation.1 Peter 2:9

 Need for identifying yourself in life

When you lose your identity you lose your crown.

  1. You will appreciate the goodness of God. Psalm 139:14
  2. It gives you your identity in Christ Jesus. 1 peter 2:9
  3. It will make you awaken and discover your potential. Mathew 28:18, Deut 8:18
  4. It gives you dominion. Gen 1:26
  5. You will be authentic and not inferior 3:1-5
  6. It brings transformation. Romans 12:3
  7. You need identity in life to be somebody without this you will be confuse about life and who you are.

How can you identify yourself and reconnected back to your original?

  1. Prayer
  2. Repentance
  3. Self acceptance. Which is the key to transformation and fulfill life
  4. Salvation

Finally, you have the potential to live out all God has planned for your life, but the only way to this is by accepting Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior. That’s the first step toward understanding why you WERE BONE AND WHO YOU ARE. If this is helpful and you have any question or need a counselor free free to call this number 08076206066 or assistance at your program in preaching the gospel or career talk

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