Sermon The Foundational Stone

Sermon The Foundational Stone

Topic: The Foundational Stone

Bible Text: Isaiah 28:16 Isaiah.


Many people have not been able to look deeply into why things have not been going well as planned. We are not paying attention to where exactly things have gone wrong but instead, blame others for the disappointment we face all the time.

Every area of our lives, marriages, nations, businesses, families, and career-wise all have a root where a lot of these failures originate from.

Is a pity that we decide to look too far instead of finding out where it came from.

Will you want to rent/buy a house that you know is cracking and within a short time it will collapse? No, because the first thing that comes to mind is that the foundation is not strong enough or that what has been used to lay the foundation was not good enough.

Will you want to enter a marriage when you know that all the ingredients to hold the foundation of that marriage are missing e.g. love, money, trust care, etc.?

When you see things not going well, is a result of what you have used to lay the foundation for yourself.

Yes, we have built our foundation but my question is, what did you build it with?

Someone laid that foundation with His life and with His blood, but our fathers then laid their foundations with the blood of goats, hens, deceit, etc. and you expect it to be strong, no wonder many struggles, no wonder many are asking questions.
If things are not going well, just know that something is wrong, so what you should do is go back and check what is in that foundation.


1. Different foundational stone

2. Assurance of the foundation stone

3. What Qualifies you for God’s foundation stone?




Foundational stones are stones used to lay the foundations on which a structure of a building stands. After the completion of the structure, people will live in it. If is not strong enough it will collapse.


These are stone materials used for foundations to erect a building that men lay by themselves, the one created by man. It cannot be trusted or relied upon. Today there are lots of foundations built everywhere.

Foundation Stones by engineers: In a construction firm (Basalt, Granite Sandstone, Slate, Limestone,. Laterite, Marble, Gneiss, Quartzite, Travertine) they are very expensive yet these houses collapse e.g banana island house, Titanic ship that sunk.

Marriage foundational stones (infatuation, makeup, lies), all the mentioned are what we use today to lay our foundation but in the end, it collapse.

And many other foundations. Many so much trust their own foundation to the extent of exalting themselves in it. etc


Now, men have done their part in using what they have to lay their own foundations but when God lays a foundation for you, just know that it cannot collapse because you can stand on it, sleep on it, live on it, you cannot be shaken even when storms attack it, you cannot be disappointed, you cannot be defeated because God knows what he used to lay the foundation, 2 Timothy 2:19a.

So go back and check very well what has gone wrong in your own foundation.

If anything is not going well in your life, please go back to what was used for the foundation.
In God’s foundation, that is where you can get that peace, that victory, that breakthrough.

Truly, expect that when you use God’s foundational stone, there will be attacks in many ways, it will receive attacks, arrows, and storms will rise, but it will still remain strong because of what was used.


Many have laid their foundation with the following:

• Anger
• Fight
• Lies
• Malice
• Adultery
• Pride
• Fraud, etc)


• Tested Stone:
He has gone through a lot of attacks, and storms was crucified, died for the whole world, and all powers submit to him.

• Precious Corner Stone:

There is a lot of beauty around this stone (is a standard that we must follow, it provides stability, provides direction, is the stone all stones will stand upon and you can’t buy it with money.

• Sure Foundation:
It can’t fail you, if you call it you will get the answer. You can tell others about it.

3. What Qualify you for God’s foundational Stone? Romans 12:9-21.

Do you need this stone in your life, then know that Christ has always expected us to live a certain kind of life that can attract His presence in our lives.

Find below:

a. When love is genuine in your heart
b. When you hold fast to what is good
c. When you love one another
d. When you outdo one another in showing honor
e. When you serve the Lord
f. When you rejoice in hope
g. When you are patient in tribulation
h. When you are constant in prayer
i. When you contribute to the needs of the saints
j. When you seek to show hospitality
k. When you bless those who persecute you
l. When you live in harmony and peacefully with others
m. When you associate with the lowly
n. When you give thought to doing what is honorable
o. When you live peaceably with all
p. When your enemy is hungry feed him
q. When he is thirsty give him something to drink
r. When you overcome evil with good.


If we allow Christ into us, he will help us in so many ways that living life will be beautiful and enjoyable on Earth.

Without this foundational stone that is tested, precious, and sure, many will struggle.

It is only when Christ is in the foundation of our lives, marriages, business, education, etc. that we can enjoy heaven on earth.

Check Here He Loves You

God doesn’t want you to die of your sin because he loves you and he wants you to be with him in eternity. RM 6:23 says “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is peace and eternal life through Jesus Christ our lord” Are you born again? if yes congratulations and if you are yet kindly do it right now.Clicking the link below

 A Call to Salvation!

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